lunedì 28 maggio 2012

Lei ha il Jack

Di lingue straniere e dure, di "connessioni" che saltano per ricomparire senza preavviso, dannate loro... di sensualità e di sesso, di dipendenza e di forza d'animo. Perchè a volte ne serve, di forza...

She gave me the Queen
She gave me the King
She was wheelin' and dealin'
Just doin' her thing
She was holdin' a pair
But I had to try
Her Deuce was wild
But my Ace was high
But how was I to know
That she'd been dealt with before
Said she'd never had a Full House
But I should have known
From the tattoo on her left leg
And the garter on her right
She'd have the card to bring me down
If she played it right

She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack
She's got the Jack

Poker face was her name
Poker face was her nature
Poker straight was her game
If she knew she could get you
She play'd 'em fast
And she play'd 'em hard
She could close her eyes
And feel every card
But how was I to know
That she'd been shuffled before
Said she'd never had a Royal Flush
But I should have known
That all the cards were comin'
From the bottom of the pack
And if I'd known what she was dealin' out
I'd have dealt it back

She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, And who knows what else?
She's got the Jack, yeah, yeah
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, Ooh, was a bad deal, Jack
She gave me the Jack hey
She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack
Ooh, can't ya tell?
She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack
She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack
You Never know! She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, and it hurts!
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack
She's got the Jack

AcDc - The Jack

Another night in London (2012)

Amici veri
Una città vista, assieme, quando eravamo poco più che ragazzi
Uno di noi ora vive la
E siamo volati a Stansted, a trovarlo
Per ritrovarci.
E ci siamo riusciti, come sempre.

Set #1

Set #2

Set #3

Set #4

Set #5

Set #6

domenica 20 maggio 2012

Way on downsouth... London town

You get a shiver in the dark
It's raining in the park but meantime
South of the river you stop and you hold everything
A band is blowing Dixie double four time
You feel alright when you hear that music ring

You step inside but you don't see too many faces
Coming in out of the rain to hear the jazz go down
Too much competition too many other places
But not too many horns can make that sound
Way on downsouth way on downsouth London town

You check out Guitar George he knows all the chords
Mind he's strictly rhythm he doesn't want to make it cry or sing
And an old guitar is all he can afford
When he gets up under the lights to play his thing

And Harry doesn't mind if he doesn't make the scene
He's got a daytime job he's doing alright
He can play honky tonk just like anything
Saving it up for Friday night
With the Sultans with the Sultans of Swing

And a crowd of young boys they're fooling around in the corner
Drunk and dressed in their best brown baggies and their platform soles
The don't give a damn about any trumpet playing band
It ain't what they call rock and roll
And the Sultans played Creole

And then the man he steps right up to the microphone
And says at last just as the time bell rings
'Thank you goodnight now it's time to go home'
And he makes it fast whith one more thing
'We are the Sultans of Swing'

Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits - 1978

martedì 15 maggio 2012


Mentre facevo trasloco, ho ritrovato un portachiavi peluche fatto a fiore, vecchio di 10 anni... mi sono accorto che premendo un petalo dice "I love you".
Un fugace ricordo della persona che me l'aveva regalato, una impercettibile palpitazione ventricolare, e poi di nuovo tutto spento. Risate, amore, lacrime, sesso, progetti... è incredibile come la polvere si depositi anche sul cuore, nascondendo tutto sotto una coltre di fuliggine grigia.
O forse è un processo del tutto naturale... tutti i fuochi che si spengono, anche quelli più luminosi, alla fine diventano polvere.
Eppure mi sembra strano che di tutte quelle emozioni, e di tutto quel dolore, non sia rimasto dentro di me nient'altro che un'eco sbiadito.

sabato 12 maggio 2012

Tu cosa vuoi da me? [Elegia]

C'è caldo, ma la indosso ugualmente come un mantello questa sera...

Avevo una passione per la musica di ruggine
nerastra tinta a caldo di caligine
le tentazioni andavano e venivano
cosa farò di me?

guidavo nella notte ferma immobile
venivo da una valle dove annuvola
sentivo sulle spalle un bel solletico
tu cosa vuoi da me?

lasciando alla mia infanzia
ogni ingenuità sensibile
l'amore è uno stregone, un fuoco
isterico magnifico
carezza di una mano che semplifica
cosa sarà di me?

l'abbraccio adulto in un silenzio
scenico visibile
l'incendio è la stagione
delle tenebre bellissime
avevi fatto in aria un incantesimo
tu cosa sei per me...

Paolo Conte - Elegia

giovedì 10 maggio 2012

Ignoranza da weekend

Credo di aver bisogno di una sana dose di ignoranza da pre-weekend, moderatamente sguaiata, al sapor di alcool e al profumo di benzina, come quella del protagonista di un film d'azione di serie B, o di un disco dei Fu Manchu.

sabato 5 maggio 2012


You don't lie awake at night like I do.
Cause you don't feel the way I feel about you.
You don't know how much this whole thing hurts me.
Cause you don't cry, cause you don't need me now, cause you don't want me now.
You don't want me, cause you don't love me. That's what kills me.
You don't lie there wishing you could kiss me.
I bet you don't even miss me.
You don't know how much this whole thing hurts me.
Cause you don't cry, cause you don't need me now, cause you don't want me now.
You don't cry, cause you don't need me now, you don't want me.
You don't want me, you don't love me. That's what kills me.
How long will my heart wait?
Each night I pray to be with you.
How will long will this heart ache?
Until the day you love me too.
Well you don't cry, cause you don't need me now, cause you don't want me now.
You don't want me, cause you don't love me. That's what kills me.
You don't lie awake at night like I do.
Cause you don't feel the way I feel about you.

Chris Isaak - You don't cry like I do